Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Bundle Is Up!

After many trials and tribulations, the classroom management bundle is up!  And I am so excited about it!  I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!

I know it's a lot of classroom management, but they all work in their own ways, they work well together, and you can use them all, some, or none at all!

Check it out in my TpT store!


Behavior Pack - Coming Soon!

Still sick, not fun.  But at least I have some time to do some designing with products that I have had for YEARS on my computer, just never thought to make it cute and pretty and post them on TpT.

Well friends, all of that is changing.  Pretty much today.

I'm working on an entire Classroom Management bundle, but it might take me a little longer than usual.  Turns out, I've never actually put a bundle together, so this will be a bit of a learning curve for me.

Here's a sneak peak though...

This one has gone up on my TpT as an individual sale so far.  I love this document more than you could ever imagine.  I created it in the credential program with the help of a master teacher and professor and love using it, even with kinders!  It helps (and kind of forces) them to think about their actions, take responsibility for them and make a plan to change it.  


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Friday, February 7, 2014

Sick Days Suck...But the History Channel Rules!

As you've probably guessed, I have been home sick now for two days.  At first I figured it was just going to be a bad cold but no, a high fever soon ensued and I'm still stuck, sitting on the sofa, waiting for my fever to break.  Ugh.

The plus side is I got to watch a lot of History Channel.  I love history, probably more than any other subject in school, so I have been in heaven.  I watched a fascinating documentary (over 2 hours long!) on Ancient Egypt and their great engineers.

Did you know that the Egyptian pyramids contain enough stone to build a wall 5 feet thick and 10 feet tall from New York to Los Angeles?


It has also given me time to really catch up on Sochi and what's going on there, and honestly, you probably shouldn't get me started on that.  Not only do the pictures reporters are sending back from their first nights in Sochi hauntingly resemble North Korea and their abysmal conditions, but their blatant human rights violations anger me to the core.  Whether you believe in gay rights or not does not give you the right to turn to violence in a pitiful and cowardly attempt to solve what, in the end, is a difference of lifestyles.  At the end of the day, it's none of your business and I stand proud against Putin and those criminals who have somehow not had to take responsibility for their complete and total, blatant violation of human rights.

Off my soapbox now.  Told you not to get me started.  :)

Anyways, back to classroom stuff.  I put up a new product on TpT!  I needed to leave a story map for my substitute to do with my kids today on The Enormous Turnip ( El enorme nabo) but I was already sick at home.  And there was NO way I was going back to school to find it.  So I did the easiest thing I could think of - design a new one and email it to my amazing coworker who then printed it out and made copies for my kiddos.

So here it is, and it's FREE!  (Just click the picture!)